Investigating legal forms, organisational types – is the one you have right for you? An ‘All you need to know overview for Wales’ with Gary Mitchell, Joint Wales Manager Social Farm & Gardens.
Download the presentation: CSAs in Wales: Good Governance Workshop
Planning issues can be complex and frustrating, but many horticultural enterprises do succeed in getting permission for the buildings and polytunnels they need. The important thing is to start right.
8/10/2021 1:27:51 PMWhether you’re looking to set up a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project or other Growing-related Social Enterprise, or maybe the idea of setting up a group or social business is still a while away, this workshop will give you a better unders…
7/16/2021 10:40:04 AMThe business plan is a formal statement setting out the aims and objectives of your business. It assesses whether they are achievable and what your plans are for reaching them. It should also include some brief information about the organisation and…
5/26/2021 4:11:59 PM