This report presents findings from a survey with fruit and vegetable growers in Wales regarding their immediate experiences of and responses to the Covid 19 (C19) crisis.
A short survey asking about effects of C19 on fruit and vegetable growers was circulated to Tyfu Cymru’s relevant contacts (approx. 150) and via social media. Respondents are from around Wales including a range of business types and sizes. In addition an online video call was held on 2 April to allow growers and others to discuss their experiences and highlight the support they need. The results of the survey are supplemented here with themes from this discussion.
Summary of Findings
- Most growers experienced sudden and dramatic increases in demand for their produce. These have continued beyond an initial phase of panic buying.
- Despite the sudden loss of usual trading routes growers have not been generating surplus. Producers responded quickly to find alternative sales routes, with many diverting from catering trade to home deliveries.
- Growers are experiencing strains on workload and capacity due to the combination of worker unavailability and pressures from additional or unfamiliar tasks.
- There is a clear willingness and potential to increase fruit and vegetable production in Wales. However, most growers lack the resources to achieve this, particularly at shortnotice.
- The sector is currently demonstrating its value as a supplier of fresh produce to Welsh consumers. With appropriate support this could become continued growth.
The Survey and Summit were coordinated by: Dr Hannah Pitt (Cardiff University), Dr Amber Wheeler (Food Foundation), Katie Palmer (Food Sense Wales), Sarah Gould (Tyfu Cymru). For more information contact: pitth2@cf.ac.uk
To view the report please click here: C19 Horticulture Summit Results from edible producers in Wales April 2020